

demo 地址


注意事項,請先看完這里,再往下繼續瀏覽。因為下面的 demo 中使用到了 php8 的注解特性,所以您需要先學習注解如何使用,可查看 php 官方文檔的 注解 文檔。如果您已經對注解用法非常熟悉了,可直接往下繼續瀏覽。



Linux(Centos/Ubuntu/MacOS) 下安裝

  • 我們先把當前的 php 環境安裝好 swoole 拓展,安裝 swoole 擴展 步驟可查看 安裝 Swoole 章節,然后執行 php --ri swoole 確保可以看到 swoole 拓展版本為 4.8.13
  • 建立一個目錄,名為 Test ,執行 composer require easyswoole/easyswoole=3.7.x 引入 easyswoole
  • 執行 php vendor/bin/easyswoole.php install 進行安裝,然后輸入 YY

Docker 下安裝

docker run --name easyswoole \
-v /tmp/easyswoole:/var/www \
-p 9501:9501 -it \
--privileged -u root \
--entrypoint /bin/sh \

cd /var/www
mkdir Test
cd Test
composer require easyswoole/easyswoole=3.7.x
php vendor/bin/easyswoole.php install # 然后輸入 `Y`、`Y`


// 引入 IDE 代碼提示組件
composer require swoole/ide-helper


編輯 Test 根目錄下的 composer.json 文件,如果自動加載中沒有 App 命名空間,請在 autoload.psr-4 中加入 "App\\": "App/",然后執行 composer dumpautoload -o 進行名稱空間的更新。composer.json 文件大體結構如下:

    "require": {
        "easyswoole/easyswoole": "3.7.x",
        "swoole/ide-helper": "^5.1"
    "autoload": {
        "psr-4": {
            "App\\": "App/"


Test                    項目部署目錄
├─App                     應用目錄
│  ├─HttpController      控制器目錄(如果沒有,請自行創建)
├─Log                     日志文件目錄(啟動后創建)
├─Temp                    臨時文件目錄(啟動后創建)
├─vendor                  第三方類庫目錄
├─bootstrap.php           框架 bootstrap 事件
├─composer.json           Composer 架構
├─composer.lock           Composer 鎖定
├─EasySwooleEvent.php     框架全局事件
├─easyswoole.php          框架管理腳本
├─dev.php                 開發配置文件
├─produce.php             生產配置文件



創建配置文件 Test/Config/DATABASE.php,加入以下配置信息,注意:請根據自己的 mysql 服務器信息填寫賬戶密碼

 * This file is part of EasySwoole.
 * @link    http://www.fe88.cn
 * @document http://www.fe88.cn
 * @contact http://www.fe88.cn/Preface/contact.html
 * @license https://github.com/easy-swoole/easyswoole/blob/3.x/LICENSE
return [
    'DATABASE' => [
        // 添加 MySQL 及對應的連接池配置
        /*################ MYSQL CONFIG ##################*/
        'MYSQL' => [
                'name'              => 'default', // 數據庫連接池名稱
                'useMysqli'         => false, // 是否是使用php-mysqli擴展
                'host'              => '', // 數據庫地址
                'port'              => 3306, // 數據庫端口
                'user'              => 'easyswoole', // 數據庫用戶名
                'password'          => 'easyswoole', // 數據庫用戶密碼
                'timeout'           => 45, // 數據庫連接超時時間
                'charset'           => 'utf8', // 數據庫字符編碼
                'database'          => 'easyswoole_demo', // 數據庫名
                'autoPing'          => 5, // 自動 ping 客戶端鏈接的間隔
                'strict_type'       => false, // 不開啟嚴格模式
                'fetch_mode'        => false,
                'returnCollection'  => false, // 設置返回結果為 數組
                // 配置 數據庫 連接池配置,配置詳細說明請看連接池組件 http://www.fe88.cn/Components/Pool/introduction.html
                'intervalCheckTime' => 15 * 1000, // 設置 連接池定時器執行頻率
                'maxIdleTime'       => 10, // 設置 連接池對象最大閑置時間 (秒)
                'maxObjectNum'      => 20, // 設置 連接池最大數量
                'minObjectNum'      => 5, // 設置 連接池最小數量
                'getObjectTimeout'  => 3.0, // 設置 獲取連接池的超時時間
                'loadAverageTime'   => 0.001, // 設置負載閾值

修改 Test/EasySwooleEvent.php 文件,在 initialize 方法中添加如下內容,加載配置文件,

 * This file is part of EasySwoole.
 * @link    http://www.fe88.cn
 * @document http://www.fe88.cn
 * @contact http://www.fe88.cn/Preface/contact.html
 * @license https://github.com/easy-swoole/easyswoole/blob/3.x/LICENSE

namespace EasySwoole\EasySwoole;

use EasySwoole\EasySwoole\AbstractInterface\Event;

class EasySwooleEvent implements Event
    public static function initialize()

        // 加載配置文件
        Config::getInstance()->loadDir(EASYSWOOLE_ROOT . '/Config');

    // ...

進行如上配置之后,我們需要在 MySQL 服務端創建一個名為 easyswoole_demo 的數據庫,選擇字符串編碼為 utf8mb4,字符排序規則為 utf8mb4_general_ci

引入數據庫連接池組件 FastDb

執行以下命令用于實現數據庫連接池組件 FastDb 庫的引入。

composer require easyswoole/fast-db=2.x


編輯 Test 項目根目錄下的 EasySwooleEvent.php 文件,在 initializemainServerCreate 事件函數中進行 FastDb 的連接池的注冊,內容如下:


namespace EasySwoole\EasySwoole;

use EasySwoole\EasySwoole\AbstractInterface\Event;
use EasySwoole\EasySwoole\Swoole\EventRegister;
use EasySwoole\FastDb\FastDb;

class EasySwooleEvent implements Event
    public static function initialize()

        // 加載配置文件
        Config::getInstance()->loadDir(EASYSWOOLE_ROOT . '/Config');

        ###### 注冊 mysql orm 連接池 ######
        $mysqlConfigs = Config::getInstance()->getConf('DATABASE.MYSQL');
        foreach ($mysqlConfigs as $mysqlConfig) {
            $configObj = new \EasySwoole\FastDb\Config($mysqlConfig);
            // 【可選操作】我們已經在 DATABASE.php 中進行了配置
            # $configObj->setMaxObjectNum(20); // 配置連接池最大數量

    public static function mainServerCreate(EventRegister $register)
        // 或者 在此函數中注冊 和上面等價
        ###### 注冊 mysql orm 連接池 ######
        // $mysqlConfigs = Config::getInstance()->getConf('DATABASE.MYSQL');
        // foreach ($mysqlConfigs as $mysqlConfig) {
        //    $configObj = new \EasySwoole\FastDb\Config($mysqlConfig);
            // 【可選操作】我們已經在 DATABASE.php 中進行了配置
            # $configObj->setMaxObjectNum(20); // 配置連接池最大數量
        //    FastDb::getInstance()->addDb($configObj);
        // }

initialize 事件中注冊數據庫連接池,使用這個 $config 可同時配置連接池大小等。 具體查看 FastDb 組件章節 的使用。




easyswoole_demo 數據庫中執行如下 sql 腳本,創建管理員用戶表 admin_list

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `admin_list`;
CREATE TABLE `admin_list` (
  `adminName` varchar(15) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  `adminAccount` varchar(18) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  `adminPassword` varchar(32) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  `adminSession` varchar(32) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  `adminLastLoginTime` int DEFAULT NULL,
  `adminLastLoginIp` varchar(20) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  UNIQUE KEY `adminAccount` (`adminAccount`) USING BTREE,
  KEY `adminSession` (`adminSession`) USING BTREE

INSERT INTO `admin_list` VALUES (1, 'EasySwoole', 'easyswoole', 'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', '', 1700891404, '');

新增 model 文件

新建 App/Model/Admin/AdminModel.php 文件,編輯內容如下:

 * This file is part of EasySwoole.
 * @link     http://www.fe88.cn
 * @document http://www.fe88.cn
 * @contact  http://www.fe88.cn/Preface/contact.html
 * @license  https://github.com/easy-swoole/easyswoole/blob/3.x/LICENSE

namespace App\Model\Admin;

use App\Model\BaseModel;
use EasySwoole\FastDb\Attributes\Property;
use EasySwoole\FastDb\Beans\Query;

 * Class AdminModel
 * @property int    $adminId
 * @property string $adminName
 * @property string $adminAccount
 * @property string $adminPassword
 * @property string $adminSession
 * @property int    $adminLastLoginTime
 * @property string $adminLastLoginIp
class AdminModel extends BaseModel
    #[Property(isPrimaryKey: true)]
    public int $adminId;
    public string $adminName;
    public string $adminAccount;
    public string $adminPassword;
    public string $adminSession;
    public int $adminLastLoginTime;
    public string $adminLastLoginIp;

    protected string $primaryKey = 'adminId';
    protected string $table = 'admin_list';

     * @getAll
     * @param int         $page
     * @param null|string $keyword
     * @param int         $pageSize
     * @return array[$total, $list]
    public function getAll(int $page = 1, ?string $keyword = null, int $pageSize = 10): array
        $where = [];
        if (!empty($keyword)) {
            $where['adminAccount'] = ['%' . $keyword . '%', 'like'];

        $this->queryLimit()->page($page, true, $pageSize)
            ->orderBy($this->primaryKey, 'DESC');

        /** \EasySwoole\FastDb\Beans\ListResult $resultList */
        $resultList = $this->where($where)->all();

        $total = $resultList->totalCount();
        $list = $resultList->list();

        return ['total' => $total, 'list' => $list];

     * 登錄成功后請返回更新后的bean
    public function login(): ?AdminModel
        $where = [
            'adminAccount'  => $this->adminAccount,
            'adminPassword' => $this->adminPassword
        return self::findRecord($where);

     * 以account進行查詢
    public function accountExist(array $field = ['*']): ?AdminModel
        return self::findRecord(function (Query $query) use ($field) {
                ->where('adminAccount', $this->adminAccount);

    public function getOneBySession(array $field = ['*']): ?AdminModel
        $this->where(['adminSession' => $this->adminSession]);
        return $this->find();

    public function logout()
        $where = [$this->primaryKey => $this->adminId];
        $update = ['adminSession' => ''];
        return self::fastUpdate($where, $update);

針對上述類似 : ?AdminModel,不懂這種函數返回值類型聲明的同學,請查看 函數返回值類型聲明,屬于 PHP 7 的新特性。

關于 Model 的定義可查看 FastDb 模型定義章節

關于 IDE 自動提示,只要你在類上面注釋中加上 @property $adminIdIDE 就可以自動提示類的這個屬性。




在數據庫中執行如下 sql 腳本,創建普通用戶表 user_list

CREATE TABLE `user_list` (
  `userName` varchar(32) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NOT NULL,
  `userAccount` varchar(18) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NOT NULL,
  `userPassword` varchar(32) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NOT NULL,
  `phone` varchar(18) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NOT NULL,
  `addTime` int unsigned DEFAULT '0',
  `lastLoginIp` varchar(20) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  `lastLoginTime` int unsigned DEFAULT '0',
  `userSession` varchar(32) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  `state` tinyint unsigned DEFAULT '0',
  `money` int unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '用戶余額',
  `frozenMoney` int unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '凍結余額',
  UNIQUE KEY `pk_userAccount` (`userAccount`) USING BTREE,
  KEY `userSession` (`userSession`) USING BTREE

INSERT INTO `user_list` VALUES (1, 'easyswoole', 'easyswoole', 'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', '18888888888', 0, '', 1700892578, '', 0, 0, 0);

新增 model 文件

新建 App/Model/User/UserModel.php 文件,編輯內容如下:

 * This file is part of EasySwoole.
 * @link     http://www.fe88.cn
 * @document http://www.fe88.cn
 * @contact  http://www.fe88.cn/Preface/contact.html
 * @license  https://github.com/easy-swoole/easyswoole/blob/3.x/LICENSE

namespace App\Model\User;

use App\Model\BaseModel;
use EasySwoole\FastDb\Attributes\Property;

 * Class UserModel
 * @property int    $userId
 * @property string $userName
 * @property string $userAccount
 * @property string $userPassword
 * @property string $phone
 * @property int    $addTime
 * @property string $lastLoginIp
 * @property int    $lastLoginTime
 * @property string $userSession
 * @property int    $state
 * @property int    $money
 * @property int    $frozenMoney
class UserModel extends BaseModel
    protected string $table = 'user_list';
    protected string $primaryKey = 'userId';

    public const STATE_PROHIBIT = 0; // 禁用狀態
    public const STATE_NORMAL = 1; // 正常狀態

    #[Property(isPrimaryKey: true)]
    public int $userId;
    public string $userName;
    public string $userAccount;
    public string $userPassword;
    public string $phone;
    public int $addTime;
    public ?string $lastLoginIp;
    public ?int $lastLoginTime;
    public ?string $userSession;
    public int $state;
    public int $money;
    public int $frozenMoney;

     * @getAll
     * @param int         $page
     * @param string|null $keyword
     * @param int         $pageSize
     * @return array[total,list]
    public function getAll(int $page = 1, ?string $keyword = null, int $pageSize = 10): array
        $where = [];
        if (!empty($keyword)) {
            $where['userAccount'] = ['%' . $keyword . '%', 'like'];

        $this->queryLimit()->page($page, withTotalCount: true, pageSize: $pageSize)
            ->orderBy($this->primaryKey, 'DESC');
        /** \EasySwoole\FastDb\Beans\ListResult $resultList */
        $resultList = $this

        $total = $resultList->totalCount();
        $list = $resultList->list();

        return ['total' => $total, 'list' => $list];

    public function getOneByPhone(array $field = ['*']): ?UserModel
        return $this->find(['phone' => $this->phone]);

    * 登錄成功后請返回更新后的bean
    public function login(): ?UserModel
        return $this->find([
            'userAccount'  => $this->userAccount,
            'userPassword' => $this->userPassword

    public function getOneBySession(array $field = ['*']): ?UserModel
        return $this->find(['userSession' => $this->userSession]);

    public function logout()
        return $this->where([$this->primaryKey => $this->userId])->updateWithLimit(['userSession' => '']);

banner 模型


在數據中執行如下 sql 腳本,創建 bannerbanner_list

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `banner_list`;
CREATE TABLE `banner_list` (
  `bannerName` varchar(32) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  `bannerImg` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NOT NULL COMMENT 'banner圖片',
  `bannerDescription` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  `bannerUrl` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '跳轉地址',
  `state` tinyint DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '狀態0隱藏 1正常',

INSERT INTO `banner_list` VALUES (1, '測試banner', 'asdadsasdasd.jpg', '測試的banner數據', 'www.fe88.cn', 1);

新增 model 文件

新建 App/Model/Admin/BannerModel.php 文件,編輯內容如下:

 * This file is part of EasySwoole.
 * @link     http://www.fe88.cn
 * @document http://www.fe88.cn
 * @contact  http://www.fe88.cn/Preface/contact.html
 * @license  https://github.com/easy-swoole/easyswoole/blob/3.x/LICENSE

namespace App\Model\Admin;

use App\Model\BaseModel;
use EasySwoole\FastDb\Attributes\Property;

 * Class BannerModel
 * @property int    $bannerId
 * @property string $bannerName
 * @property string $bannerImg
 * @property string $bannerDescription
 * @property string $bannerUrl
 * @property int    $state
class BannerModel extends BaseModel
    protected string $table = 'banner_list';
    protected string $primaryKey = 'bannerId';

    #[Property(isPrimaryKey: true)]
    public int $bannerId;
    public string $bannerName;
    public string $bannerImg;
    public string $bannerDescription;
    public string $bannerUrl;
    public int $state;

    public function getAll(int $page = 1, int $state = 1, ?string $keyword = null, int $pageSize = 10): array
        $where = [];
        if (!empty($keyword)) {
            $where['bannerUrl'] = ['%' . $keyword . '%', 'like'];

        $where['state'] = $state;

        $this->queryLimit()->page($page, withTotalCount: true, pageSize: $pageSize)
            ->orderBy($this->primaryKey, 'DESC');
        /** \EasySwoole\FastDb\Beans\ListResult $resultList */
        $listResult = $this->where($where)->all();
        $total = $listResult->totalCount();
        $list = $listResult->list();

        return ['total' => $total, 'list' => $list];



新建 App/Httpcontroller/Base.php 文件,編輯內容如下:

 * This file is part of EasySwoole.
 * @link     http://www.fe88.cn
 * @document http://www.fe88.cn
 * @contact  http://www.fe88.cn/Preface/contact.html
 * @license  https://github.com/easy-swoole/easyswoole/blob/3.x/LICENSE

namespace App\HttpController;

use EasySwoole\EasySwoole\ServerManager;
use EasySwoole\HttpAnnotation\AnnotationController;

class Base extends AnnotationController
    public function index(): void

     * 獲取用戶的真實IP
     * @param string $headerName 代理服務器傳遞的標頭名稱
     * @return string|null
    protected function clientRealIP(string $headerName = 'x-real-ip'): ?string
        $server = ServerManager::getInstance()->getSwooleServer();
        $client = $server->getClientInfo($this->request()->getSwooleRequest()->fd);
        $clientAddress = $client['remote_ip'];
        $xri = $this->request()->getHeaderLine($headerName);
        $xff = $this->request()->getHeaderLine('x-forwarded-for');
        if ($clientAddress === '') {
            if (!empty($xri)) {  // 如果有 xri 則判定為前端有 NGINX 等代理
                $clientAddress = $xri;
            } elseif (!empty($xff)) {  // 如果不存在 xri 則繼續判斷 xff
                $clientAddress = $xff;

        return $clientAddress;

    protected function input(string $name, mixed $default = null)
        $value = $this->request()->getRequestParam($name);
        return $value ?? $default;

上述新增的基礎控制器 (Base.php) 里面的方法用于獲取用戶 ip,以及獲取 api 參數。

上述新增的基礎控制器 (Base.php) 繼承了 \EasySwoole\HttpAnnotation\AnnotationController ,這個是注解支持控制器,具體使用可查看 注解控制器章節

api 基礎控制器定義

新建 App/Httpcontroller/Api/ApiBase.php 文件,編輯內容如下:

 * This file is part of EasySwoole.
 * @link     http://www.fe88.cn
 * @document http://www.fe88.cn
 * @contact  http://www.fe88.cn/Preface/contact.html
 * @license  https://github.com/easy-swoole/easyswoole/blob/3.x/LICENSE

namespace App\HttpController\Api;

use App\HttpController\Base;
use EasySwoole\EasySwoole\Core;
use EasySwoole\EasySwoole\Trigger;
use EasySwoole\Http\Message\Status;
use EasySwoole\HttpAnnotation\Exception\ValidateFail;

abstract class ApiBase extends Base
    public function index(): void

    protected function actionNotFound(?string $action): void

    public function onRequest(?string $action): ?bool
        if (!parent::onRequest($action)) {
            return false;
        return true;

    protected function onException(\Throwable $throwable): void
        if ($throwable instanceof ValidateFail) {
            $this->writeJson(400, null, $throwable->getMessage());
        } else {
            if (Core::getInstance()->runMode() === 'dev') {
                $this->writeJson(500, null, $throwable->getMessage());
            } else {
                $this->writeJson(500, null, '系統內部錯誤,請稍后重試');

上述 api 基類控制器 (ApiBase.php),用于攔截注解異常,以及 api 異常時給用戶返回一個 json 格式錯誤信息。


新建 App/Httpcontroller/Api/Common/CommonBase.php 文件,編輯內容如下:

 * This file is part of EasySwoole.
 * @link     http://www.fe88.cn
 * @document http://www.fe88.cn
 * @contact  http://www.fe88.cn/Preface/contact.html
 * @license  https://github.com/easy-swoole/easyswoole/blob/3.x/LICENSE

namespace App\HttpController\Api\Common;

use App\HttpController\Api\ApiBase;

class CommonBase extends ApiBase



公共控制器放不需要登錄即可查看的控制器,例如 banner 列表查看:

新增 App/HttpController/Api/Common/Banner.php 文件,編輯內容如下:

 * This file is part of EasySwoole.
 * @link     http://www.fe88.cn
 * @document http://www.fe88.cn
 * @contact  http://www.fe88.cn/Preface/contact.html
 * @license  https://github.com/easy-swoole/easyswoole/blob/3.x/LICENSE

namespace App\HttpController\Api\Common;

use App\Model\Admin\BannerModel;
use EasySwoole\Http\Message\Status;
use EasySwoole\HttpAnnotation\Attributes\Api;
use EasySwoole\HttpAnnotation\Attributes\Description;
use EasySwoole\HttpAnnotation\Attributes\Param;
use EasySwoole\HttpAnnotation\Enum\HttpMethod;
use EasySwoole\HttpAnnotation\Enum\ParamFrom;
use EasySwoole\HttpAnnotation\Validator\Integer;
use EasySwoole\HttpAnnotation\Validator\MaxLength;
use EasySwoole\HttpAnnotation\Validator\Optional;
use EasySwoole\HttpAnnotation\Validator\Required;

class Banner extends CommonBase
        apiName: 'bannerGetOne',
        allowMethod: HttpMethod::GET,
        requestPath: '/api/common/banner/getOne',
        requestParam: [
        new Param(name: 'bannerId', from: ParamFrom::GET, validate: [
            new Required(),
            new Integer(),
        ], description: new Description('主鍵id')),
        description: 'getOne'
     * Author: XueSi <hui.huang8540@gmail.com>
     * Time: 00:20
    public function getOne()
        $param = $this->request()->getRequestParam();
        $model = new BannerModel();
        $bean = $model->find((int)$param['bannerId']);
        if ($bean) {
            $this->writeJson(Status::CODE_OK, $bean, 'success');
        } else {
            $this->writeJson(Status::CODE_BAD_REQUEST, [], 'fail');

        apiName: 'bannerGetAll',
        allowMethod: HttpMethod::GET,
        requestPath: '/api/common/banner/getAll',
        requestParam: [
        new Param(name: 'page', from: ParamFrom::GET, validate: [
            new Optional(),
            new Integer(),
        ], description: new Description('頁數')),
        new Param(name: 'limit', from: ParamFrom::GET, validate: [
            new Optional(),
            new Integer(),
        ], description: new Description('每頁總數')),
        new Param(name: 'keyword', from: ParamFrom::GET, validate: [
            new Optional(),
            new MaxLength(32),
        ], description: new Description('關鍵字')),
        description: 'getAll'
     * Author: XueSi <hui.huang8540@gmail.com>
     * Time: 00:20
    public function getAll()
        $param = $this->request()->getRequestParam();
        $page = (int)$this->input('page', 1);
        $limit = (int)$this->input('limit', 20);
        $model = new BannerModel();
        $data = $model->getAll($page, 1, $param['keyword'] ?? null, $limit);
        $this->writeJson(Status::CODE_OK, $data, 'success');

注意:可以看到,在上文 getAll 方法中,有個特殊的寫法 requestParam: [new Param(name: 'page', from: ParamFrom::GET, validate: [new Optional(), new Integer(),], description: new Description('頁數')), 這是 php8 支持的注解寫法,類似 Java 語言的注解,當使用這個注解之后,將會約束 page 參數必須是 int,具體的驗證機制可查看 validate 驗證器 章節。框架中如何使用注解請查看 注解控制器章節

使用 php easyswoole.php server start 命令啟動框架服務之后,訪問鏈接:http://localhost:9501/api/common/banner/getAll (示例訪問地址) 即可看到如下結果:{"code":200,"result":{"total":1,"list":[{"bannerId":1,"bannerName":"測試banner","bannerImg":"asdadsasdasd.jpg","bannerDescription":"測試的banner數據","bannerUrl":"www.fe88.cn","state":1}]},"msg":"success"} (需要有數據才能看到具體輸出)。


新建 App/HttpController/Api/Admin/AdminBase.php 文件,編輯內容如下:

 * This file is part of EasySwoole.
 * @link     http://www.fe88.cn
 * @document http://www.fe88.cn
 * @contact  http://www.fe88.cn/Preface/contact.html
 * @license  https://github.com/easy-swoole/easyswoole/blob/3.x/LICENSE

namespace App\HttpController\Api\Admin;

use App\Model\Admin\AdminModel;
use App\HttpController\Api\ApiBase;
use EasySwoole\Http\Message\Status;

class AdminBase extends ApiBase
    // public 才會根據協程清除
    public ?AdminModel $who;

    // session 的 cookie頭
    protected string $sessionKey = 'adminSession';

    // 白名單
    protected array $whiteList = [];

     * Author: XueSi <hui.huang8540@gmail.com>
     * Time: 00:28
    public function onRequest(?string $action): ?bool
        if (parent::onRequest($action)) {
            // 白名單判斷
            if (in_array($action, $this->whiteList)) {
                return true;

            // 獲取登錄信息
            if (!$this->getWho()) {
                $this->writeJson(Status::CODE_UNAUTHORIZED, '', '登錄已過期');
                return false;

            return true;

        return false;

     * Author: XueSi <hui.huang8540@gmail.com>
     * Time: 00:28
    protected function getWho(): ?AdminModel
        if (isset($this->who) && $this->who instanceof AdminModel) {
            return $this->who;

        $sessionKey = $this->request()->getRequestParam($this->sessionKey);
        if (empty($sessionKey)) {
            $sessionKey = $this->request()->getCookieParams($this->sessionKey);

        if (empty($sessionKey)) {
            return null;

        $adminModel = new AdminModel();
        $adminModel->adminSession = $sessionKey;
        $this->who = $adminModel->getOneBySession();

        return $this->who;


新建 App/HttpController/Api/Admin/Auth.php 文件,編輯內容如下:

 * This file is part of EasySwoole.
 * @link     http://www.fe88.cn
 * @document http://www.fe88.cn
 * @contact  http://www.fe88.cn/Preface/contact.html
 * @license  https://github.com/easy-swoole/easyswoole/blob/3.x/LICENSE

namespace App\HttpController\Api\Admin;

use App\Model\Admin\AdminModel;
use EasySwoole\FastDb\Exception\RuntimeError;
use EasySwoole\Http\Message\Status;
use EasySwoole\HttpAnnotation\Attributes\Api;
use EasySwoole\HttpAnnotation\Attributes\Description;
use EasySwoole\HttpAnnotation\Attributes\Param;
use EasySwoole\HttpAnnotation\Enum\HttpMethod;
use EasySwoole\HttpAnnotation\Enum\ParamFrom;
use EasySwoole\HttpAnnotation\Exception\Annotation;
use EasySwoole\HttpAnnotation\Validator\MaxLength;
use EasySwoole\HttpAnnotation\Validator\MinLength;
use EasySwoole\HttpAnnotation\Validator\Required;

class Auth extends AdminBase
    protected array $whiteList = ['login'];

     * @return void
     * @throws RuntimeError
     * @throws Annotation
        apiName: 'login',
        allowMethod: HttpMethod::GET,
        requestPath: '/api/admin/auth/login',
        requestParam: [
        new Param(name: 'account', from: ParamFrom::GET, validate: [
            new Required(),
            new MaxLength(20)
        ], description: new Description('帳號')),
        new Param(name: 'password', from: ParamFrom::GET, validate: [
            new Required(),
            new MinLength(6),
            new MaxLength(16),
        ], description: new Description('密碼')),
        description: '登陸,參數驗證注解寫法'
     * Author: XueSi <hui.huang8540@gmail.com>
     * Time: 00:31
    public function login()
        $param = $this->request()->getRequestParam();
        $model = new AdminModel();
        $model->adminAccount = $param['account'];
        $model->adminPassword = md5($param['password']);

        if ($user = $model->login()) {
            $sessionHash = md5(time() . $user->adminId);
                'adminLastLoginTime' => time(),
                'adminLastLoginIp'   => $this->clientRealIP(),
                'adminSession'       => $sessionHash

            $rs = $user->toArray();
            $rs['adminSession'] = $sessionHash;
            $this->response()->setCookie('adminSession', $sessionHash, time() + 3600, '/');
            $this->writeJson(Status::CODE_OK, $rs, 'success');
        } else {
            $this->writeJson(Status::CODE_BAD_REQUEST, '', '密碼錯誤');

        apiName: 'logout',
        allowMethod: HttpMethod::GET,
        requestPath: '/api/admin/auth/logout',
        requestParam: [
        new Param(name: 'adminSession', from: ParamFrom::COOKIE, validate: [
            new Required(),
        ], description: new Description('帳號')),
        description: '退出登錄,參數注解寫法'
     * Author: XueSi <hui.huang8540@gmail.com>
     * Time: 00:32
     * @throws Annotation
    public function logout()
        $sessionKey = $this->request()->getRequestParam($this->sessionKey);
        if (empty($sessionKey)) {
            $sessionKey = $this->request()->getCookieParams('adminSession');

        if (empty($sessionKey)) {
            $this->writeJson(Status::CODE_UNAUTHORIZED, '', '尚未登錄');
            return false;

        $result = $this->getWho()->logout();
        if ($result) {
            $this->writeJson(Status::CODE_OK, '', '退出登錄成功');
        } else {
            $this->writeJson(Status::CODE_UNAUTHORIZED, '', 'fail');

        apiName: 'getInfo',
        allowMethod: HttpMethod::GET,
        requestPath: '/api/admin/auth/getInfo',
        description: '獲取管理員信息'
     * Author: XueSi <hui.huang8540@gmail.com>
     * Time: 00:34
    public function getInfo()
        $this->writeJson(200, $this->getWho()->toArray(), 'success');

使用 php easyswoole.php server start 命令啟動框架服務之后,訪問鏈接:http://localhost:9501/api/admin/auth/login?account=easyswoole&password=123456 (示例訪問地址) 即可返回如下結果:``

  "code": 200,
  "result": {
    "adminId": 1,
    "adminName": "EasySwoole",
    "adminAccount": "easyswoole",
    "adminSession": "7262e8188ae9885e27e092538c08ca16",
    "adminLastLoginTime": 1706271125,
    "adminLastLoginIp": ""
  "msg": "success"


新增 App/httpController/Api/Admin/User.php 文件,編輯內容如下:

 * This file is part of EasySwoole.
 * @link     http://www.fe88.cn
 * @document http://www.fe88.cn
 * @contact  http://www.fe88.cn/Preface/contact.html
 * @license  https://github.com/easy-swoole/easyswoole/blob/3.x/LICENSE

namespace App\HttpController\Api\Admin;

use App\Model\User\UserModel;
use EasySwoole\Http\Message\Status;
use EasySwoole\HttpAnnotation\Attributes\Api;
use EasySwoole\HttpAnnotation\Attributes\Description;
use EasySwoole\HttpAnnotation\Attributes\Param;
use EasySwoole\HttpAnnotation\Enum\HttpMethod;
use EasySwoole\HttpAnnotation\Enum\ParamFrom;
use EasySwoole\HttpAnnotation\Validator\InArray;
use EasySwoole\HttpAnnotation\Validator\Integer;
use EasySwoole\HttpAnnotation\Validator\IsPhoneNumber;
use EasySwoole\HttpAnnotation\Validator\MaxLength;
use EasySwoole\HttpAnnotation\Validator\MinLength;
use EasySwoole\HttpAnnotation\Validator\Optional;
use EasySwoole\HttpAnnotation\Validator\Required;

class User extends AdminBase
        apiName: 'userGetAll',
        allowMethod: HttpMethod::GET,
        requestPath: '/api/admin/user/getAll',
        requestParam: [
        new Param(name: 'page', from: ParamFrom::GET, validate: [
            new Optional(),
            new Integer(),
        ], description: new Description('頁數')),
        new Param(name: 'limit', from: ParamFrom::GET, validate: [
            new Optional(),
            new Integer(),
        ], description: new Description('每頁總數')),
        new Param(name: 'keyword', from: ParamFrom::GET, validate: [
            new Optional(),
            new MaxLength(32),
        ], description: new Description('關鍵字')),
        description: 'getAll'
     * Author: XueSi <hui.huang8540@gmail.com>
     * Time: 00:38
    public function getAll()
        $page = (int)$this->input('page', 1);
        $limit = (int)$this->input('limit', 20);
        $model = new UserModel();
        $data = $model->getAll($page, $this->input('keyword'), $limit);
        $this->writeJson(Status::CODE_OK, $data, 'success');

        apiName: 'userGetOne',
        allowMethod: HttpMethod::GET,
        requestPath: '/api/admin/user/getOne',
        requestParam: [
        new Param(name: 'userId', from: ParamFrom::GET, validate: [
            new Required(),
            new Integer(),
        ], description: new Description('戶id')),
        description: 'getAll'
     * Author: XueSi <hui.huang8540@gmail.com>
     * Time: 00:40
    public function getOne()
        $param = $this->request()->getRequestParam();
        $model = new UserModel();
        $rs = $model->find((int)$param['userId']);
        if ($rs) {
            $this->writeJson(Status::CODE_OK, $rs, 'success');
        } else {
            $this->writeJson(Status::CODE_BAD_REQUEST, [], 'fail');

        apiName: 'addUser',
        allowMethod: HttpMethod::GET,
        requestPath: '/api/admin/user/add',
        requestParam: [
        new Param(name: 'userName', from: ParamFrom::GET, validate: [
            new Optional(),
            new MaxLength(32),
        ], description: new Description('用戶昵稱')),
        new Param(name: 'userAccount', from: ParamFrom::GET, validate: [
            new Required(),
            new MaxLength(32),
        ], description: new Description('用戶名')),
        new Param(name: 'userPassword', from: ParamFrom::GET, validate: [
            new Required(),
            new MinLength(6),
            new MaxLength(18),
        ], description: new Description('用戶密碼')),
        new Param(name: 'phone', from: ParamFrom::GET, validate: [
            new Optional(),
            new IsPhoneNumber(),
        ], description: new Description('手機號碼')),
        new Param(name: 'state', from: ParamFrom::GET, validate: [
            new Optional(),
            new InArray([0, 1]),
        ], description: new Description('用戶狀態')),
        description: 'add'
     * Author: XueSi <hui.huang8540@gmail.com>
     * Time: 00:44
    public function add()
        $param = $this->request()->getRequestParam();
        $model = new UserModel($param);
        $model->userPassword = md5($param['userPassword']);
        $rs = $model->insert();
        if ($rs) {
            $this->writeJson(Status::CODE_OK, $rs, 'success');
        } else {
            $this->writeJson(Status::CODE_BAD_REQUEST, [], 'add fail');

        apiName: 'updateUser',
        allowMethod: HttpMethod::GET,
        requestPath: '/api/admin/user/update',
        requestParam: [
        new Param(name: 'userId', from: ParamFrom::GET, validate: [
            new Required(),
            new Integer(),
        ], description: new Description('用戶id')),
        new Param(name: 'userPassword', from: ParamFrom::GET, validate: [
            new Optional(),
            new MinLength(6),
            new MaxLength(18),
        ], description: new Description('會員密碼')),
        new Param(name: 'userName', from: ParamFrom::GET, validate: [
            new Optional(),
            new MaxLength(32),
        ], description: new Description('會員名')),
        new Param(name: 'state', from: ParamFrom::GET, validate: [
            new Optional(),
            new InArray([0, 1]),
        ], description: new Description('狀態')),
        new Param(name: 'phone', from: ParamFrom::GET, validate: [
            new Optional(),
            new IsPhoneNumber(),
        ], description: new Description('手機號')),
        description: 'update'
     * Author: XueSi <hui.huang8540@gmail.com>
     * Time: 00:50
    public function update()
        $model = new UserModel();
        $userId = $this->input('userId');
         * @var $userInfo UserModel
        $userInfo = $model->find((int)$userId);
        if (!$userInfo) {
            $this->writeJson(Status::CODE_BAD_REQUEST, [], '未找到該會員');
            return false;

        $password = $this->input('userPassword');
        $update = [
            'userName'     => $this->input('userName', $userInfo->userName),
            'userPassword' => $password ? md5($password) : $userInfo->userPassword,
            'state'        => $this->input('state', $userInfo->state),
            'phone'        => $this->input('phone', $userInfo->phone),

        $rs = $userInfo->updateWithLimit($update);
        if ($rs === 0 || $rs === 1) {
            $this->writeJson(Status::CODE_OK, $rs, 'success');
        } else {
            $this->writeJson(Status::CODE_BAD_REQUEST, [], 'update fail');

        apiName: 'deleteUser',
        allowMethod: HttpMethod::GET,
        requestPath: '/api/admin/user/delete',
        requestParam: [
        new Param(name: 'userId', from: ParamFrom::GET, validate: [
            new Required(),
            new Integer(),
        ], description: new Description('用戶id')),
        description: 'delete'
     * Author: XueSi <hui.huang8540@gmail.com>
     * Time: 00:55
    public function delete()
        $param = $this->request()->getRequestParam();
        $model = new UserModel(['userId' => $param['userId']]);
        $rs = $model->delete();
        if ($rs) {
            $this->writeJson(Status::CODE_OK, $rs, 'success');
        } else {
            $this->writeJson(Status::CODE_BAD_REQUEST, [], '刪除失敗');

后臺管理員登錄之后,可通過此文件的接口,去進行會員的增刪改查操作 (即 CURD)。

請求地址為:(示例訪問地址) (等方法)


新增 App/HttpController/Api/User/UserBase.php 文件,編輯內容如下:

 * This file is part of EasySwoole.
 * @link     http://www.fe88.cn
 * @document http://www.fe88.cn
 * @contact  http://www.fe88.cn/Preface/contact.html
 * @license  https://github.com/easy-swoole/easyswoole/blob/3.x/LICENSE

namespace App\HttpController\Api\User;

use App\Model\User\UserModel;
use App\HttpController\Api\ApiBase;
use EasySwoole\Http\Message\Status;

class UserBase extends ApiBase
    protected ?UserModel $who;

    // session 的 cookie 頭
    protected string $sessionKey = 'userSession';

    // 白名單
    protected array $whiteList = ['login', 'register'];

    public function onRequest(?string $action): ?bool
        if (parent::onRequest($action)) {
            // 白名單判斷
            if (in_array($action, $this->whiteList)) {
                return true;

            // 獲取登錄信息
            if (!$data = $this->getWho()) {
                $this->writeJson(Status::CODE_UNAUTHORIZED, '', '登錄已過期');
                return false;

            // 刷新 cookie 存活
            $this->response()->setCookie($this->sessionKey, $data->userSession, time() + 3600, '/');

            return true;

        return false;

    public function getWho(): ?UserModel
        if (isset($this->who) && $this->who instanceof UserModel) {
            return $this->who;

        $sessionKey = $this->request()->getRequestParam($this->sessionKey);
        if (empty($sessionKey)) {
            $sessionKey = $this->request()->getCookieParams($this->sessionKey);

        if (empty($sessionKey)) {
            return null;

        $userModel = new UserModel();
        $userModel->userSession = $sessionKey;
        $this->who = $userModel->getOneBySession();

        return $this->who;


新增 App/HttpController/Api/User/Auth.php 文件,編輯內容如下:

 * This file is part of EasySwoole.
 * @link     http://www.fe88.cn
 * @document http://www.fe88.cn
 * @contact  http://www.fe88.cn/Preface/contact.html
 * @license  https://github.com/easy-swoole/easyswoole/blob/3.x/LICENSE

namespace App\HttpController\Api\User;

use App\Model\User\UserModel;
use EasySwoole\Http\Message\Status;
use EasySwoole\HttpAnnotation\Attributes\Api;
use EasySwoole\HttpAnnotation\Attributes\Description;
use EasySwoole\HttpAnnotation\Attributes\Param;
use EasySwoole\HttpAnnotation\Enum\HttpMethod;
use EasySwoole\HttpAnnotation\Enum\ParamFrom;
use EasySwoole\HttpAnnotation\Validator\MaxLength;
use EasySwoole\HttpAnnotation\Validator\MinLength;
use EasySwoole\HttpAnnotation\Validator\Optional;
use EasySwoole\HttpAnnotation\Validator\Required;

class Auth extends UserBase
    protected array $whiteList = ['login'];

        apiName: 'login',
        allowMethod: HttpMethod::GET,
        requestPath: '/api/user/auth/login',
        requestParam: [
        new Param(name: 'userAccount', from: ParamFrom::GET, validate: [
            new Required(),
            new MaxLength(32)
        ], description: new Description('用戶名')),
        new Param(name: 'userPassword', from: ParamFrom::GET, validate: [
            new Required(),
            new MinLength(6),
            new MaxLength(18),
        ], description: new Description('密碼')),
        description: 'login'
     * Author: XueSi <hui.huang8540@gmail.com>
     * Time: 00:31
    public function login()
        $param = $this->request()->getRequestParam();
        $model = new UserModel();
        $model->userAccount = $param['userAccount'];
        $model->userPassword = md5($param['userPassword']);

        if ($userInfo = $model->login()) {
            $sessionHash = md5(time() . $userInfo->userId);
                'lastLoginIp'   => $this->clientRealIP(),
                'lastLoginTime' => time(),
                'userSession'   => $sessionHash
            $rs = $userInfo->toArray();
            $rs['userSession'] = $sessionHash;
            $this->response()->setCookie('userSession', $sessionHash, time() + 3600, '/');
            $this->writeJson(Status::CODE_OK, $rs);
        } else {
            $this->writeJson(Status::CODE_BAD_REQUEST, '', '密碼錯誤');

        apiName: 'logout',
        allowMethod: HttpMethod::GET,
        requestPath: '/api/user/auth/logout',
        requestParam: [
        new Param(name: 'userSession', from: ParamFrom::GET, validate: [
            new Optional(),
        ], description: new Description('用戶會話')),
        description: 'logout'
     * Author: XueSi <hui.huang8540@gmail.com>
     * Time: 01:07
    public function logout()
        $sessionKey = $this->request()->getRequestParam('userSession');
        if (empty($sessionKey)) {
            $sessionKey = $this->request()->getCookieParams('userSession');

        if (empty($sessionKey)) {
            $this->writeJson(Status::CODE_UNAUTHORIZED, '', '尚未登錄');
            return false;

        $result = $this->getWho()->logout();
        if ($result) {
            $this->writeJson(Status::CODE_OK, '', '退出登錄成功');
        } else {
            $this->writeJson(Status::CODE_UNAUTHORIZED, '', 'fail');

        apiName: 'getInfo',
        allowMethod: HttpMethod::GET,
        requestPath: '/api/user/auth/getInfo',
        description: 'getInfo'
     * Author: XueSi <hui.huang8540@gmail.com>
     * Time: 01:10
    public function getInfo()
        $this->writeJson(200, $this->getWho(), 'success');

訪問 http://localhost:9501/api/user/auth/login?userAccount=easyswoole&userPassword=456789 即可登錄成功。


上述 demo 中的所有接口均使用 GET 請求,可以在啟動 easyswoole 服務后可使用瀏覽器訪問如下 URL 進行體驗:

# Admin 管理員模塊
## auth 模塊
- login 登錄
  - http://localhost:9501/api/admin/auth/login?account=easyswoole&password=123456

- logout
  - http://localhost:9501/api/admin/auth/logout

- getInfo
  - http://localhost:9501/api/admin/auth/getInfo

## user manager 會員管理模塊
- get all user
  - http://localhost:9501/api/admin/user/getAll
  - http://localhost:9501/api/admin/user/getAll?page=1&limit=2
  - http://localhost:9501/api/admin/user/getAll?keyword=easyswoole

- get one user
  - http://localhost:9501/api/admin/user/getOne?userId=1

- add user
  - http://localhost:9501/api/admin/user/add?userName=EasySwoole1&userAccount=easyswoole1&userPassword=123456

- update user
  - http://localhost:9501/api/admin/user/update?userId=1&userPassword=456789&userName=easyswoole&state=0&phone=18888888889

- delete user
  - http://localhost:9501/api/admin/user/delete?userId=2

# Common 公共模塊
## banner 模塊
- get one banner 讀取一條banner
  - http://localhost:9501/api/common/banner/getOne?bannerId=1

- get all banner
  - http://localhost:9501/api/common/banner/getAll
  - http://localhost:9501/api/common/banner/getAll?page=1&limit=2
  - http://localhost:9501/api/common/banner/getAll?keyword=easyswoole

# User 會員模塊
- user login
  - http://localhost:9501/api/user/auth/login?userAccount=easyswoole&userPassword=456789

- get user info
  - http://localhost:9501/api/user/auth/getInfo

- logout
  - http://localhost:9501/api/user/auth/logout
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